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6 Ways To Increase Growth Hormone Levels A lot of people know that lifting heavy weights builds muscle, that's  simple enough. Do you really know what process in the body is responsible for this muscle growth? HGH (human growth hormone) is the hormone in the body that is responsible for the growth of all its tissues. When you get older, your HGH levels naturally start to decline, which is why it becomes harder and harder to maintain and grow muscle mass with age. If you completely lack HGH in your body, you’ll be suffering from dwarfism. The reason why some...

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WHY ATHLETES CAN BENEFIT FROM NAC Many people reading these articles on the RedCon 1 website are most likely going to be some sort of athlete. Whether you be a competitive bodybuilder, powerlifter, figure athlete, football player, MMA fighter, or boxer, N-Acetylcysteine or NAC, is going to be beneficial for you in more ways than one. N-Acetylcysteine is essentially used to allow more glutathione to be produced instead of being depleted (1, 2.) In this manor, N-Acetylcysteine plays a unique role in many protective benefits. First, lets look at its role with glutathione. Glutathione, a molecule composed of three amino...

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Selecting the Correct Supplements for your Goals-Matt Samansky Once you’ve created a tantalizing training program and an equally neat and nourishing nutrition plan, a solid supplement plan will only enhance your ability to get bigger, stronger, and faster! But not all dietary products may be conducive to your fitness goals. Before you are seduced by flashy advertisements and witty slogans, check out this guide to selecting the correct supplements for your fitness goals! Now, let me begin by saying supplements should never be used as a replacement for a less than adequate training and nutrition plan. Supplements are just that,...

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The Impossible Made Possible: Increasing Muscle Mass and Losing Fat Simultaneously Often considered an impossible feat in bodybuilding and fitness circles; how can you both gain muscle and lose fat at the same time? For most people this is the main goals of their exercise routine, we always want more of the good stuff and less of the bad. Traditionally, this is were cutting and bulking protocols comes in, but what often ends up happening is that you gain to much fat during bulking, and lose to much muscle during your cut. With age, we also lose much of our...

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24/7, athlete, bodybuiliding, Dallas 24/7, Dallas McCarver, Day in the Life, Mr.Olympia, redcon1, RedCon1 Elite, train, trainer, training -

In this new series we switch gears from the sets and the reps to the person. Dallas McCarver is a complicated deep individual who is far more than he might appear to the casual observer. As we get closer to the Arnold Classic in Columbus, we attempt to take you a step closer to Dallas, the man, and introduce you to what makes him ticks and who he is as an individual... Welcome to Dallas McCarver 24:7!

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